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Besides, a house was a great investment and this one was now paid in full, no mortgage or anything, since it had been sold off by the county.I made sure that the house was light-tight as much as possible and kept all of the coffins in the basement, in order to reduce the risk of exposure to the Sun. We now had twelve coffins and room to store them, which was very handy for my purposes. We could all travel and operate together at night while resting during the day, and only I would go about in daylight. Even then, that was to be just often enough to allay fears of my true nature.The availability of my companions for late-night activities would surely prove useful, particularly in terms of helping to lure sex partners into bed and entice humans into providing blood for our consumption. Nor would I limit myself to those from this universe. I fully intended to bring people from other worlds into this house and use it, among other places, as “dens of iniquity.” It could be my home base as. Clearly his dad knew how to keep his control and seemed to be playing with Nancy's lust as he drove her toward her orgasm. When Nancy did start to cum she softly moaned, "Ohhh, daddy!" Her body visibly tensed and Mike could see the muscles in her lean stomach and on her sides reacting to the strength of her orgasm.When she finished cumming John leaned down and they exchanged several long, deep kisses. Mike could see their tongues moving back and forth much more clearly this time and his throbbing cock again jumped.In spite of his shock at what he was seeing and the knowledge that what he was watching was not only wrong but something that he should never be seeing, he couldn't contain his own excitement. This was especially true when his dad resumed fucking Nancy. He was now clearly more focused on his own pleasure and he fucked her harder and faster than before.Nancy moaned wildly and gasped, "Yes!" as John grew even more excited and began to fuck her even harder and faster. As he.
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